lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009


1. Who is Robert Mugabe? How long has he been in power? How popular is he?
Robert Mugabe si the president of Zimbawe, he is president since 1980.2. Who is Morgan Tsvangirai? Whicgh is/ has been his political role?
Morgan is the primer minister 3. What happened during last year's elections? Which was the outcome?
In 2008 the elections in Zimbabwe were closed not on time just a few people voted.4. Whis is the economic situation in Zimbabwe? How do the people feel about this?
There is an agricultural explotation, and people do not have money to buy what they need and not too many resources
5. What do you think about the celebrations and the lavish party?
That Robert is exploding all the economic just for his birthday party obviously is bad.Based only on the article below, define a conflict.a) Give the conflict a name and explain why you think it is a conflict.b) Who is involved and why?c) Explain in detail why the conflict has happened.d) Give a timeline of events (at least 5) related to the conflict.e) How do you think this conflict can be solved and why?

Robert Party. The conflict here is that he is spending all the money just to do a birthday party just for his birthday party, kill 100 animals for that and he is using 75 miles for that.
He is spending money and time for nothing.
He can do better thing like work more in the economic crisis.

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