jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

plastic bags.

I. Why are plastic bags so common?

Plastic bags cost grocery stores under 2 cents per bag. Plastic bags are so cheap to produce, sturdy, plentiful, easy to carry and store.

II. In what other ways is plastic used?

Plastic detergent bottles, peanut butter jars, water bottles, soft oil bottles, cooking oil bottles, cups, plastic tableware, food storage containers, yogurt containers, drinking straws, tupperwares, milk jugs, etc.

III. What are the benefits of plastic bags?

The plastic bag is an icon of convenience culture, by some estimates the single most ubiquitous consumer item on Earth, numbering in the trillions. Plastic grocery bags are some of the most reused items around the house. Compared to paper grocery bags, plastic grocery bags consume 40 percent less energy, generate 80 percent less solid waste, produce 70 percent fewer atmospheric emissions, and release up to 94 percent fewer waterborne wastes, according to the federation.

IV. What are the dangers of plastic bags?

The inks and colorants used on some bags contain lead, a toxin. There are a lot of animals that live on the bottom: shrimp, shellfish, and they get trapped in the plastic.

V. What has been done so far?

Some states are attacking the recycling problem by trying to encourage shoppers to take the bags back to grocery stores. Some plastic bags are being downcycled, meaning that they're being put into another product that itself can never be recycled. Plastic bag litter has become such an environmental nuisance and eyesore that Ireland, Taiwan, South Africa, Australia, and Bangladesh have heavily taxed the totes or banned their use outright.

VI. Has it been successful? Why or why not?

The campaign of returning bags in San Francisco for over 10 years, and it's never really been successful. People have to pack up the bags, bring them into the store and drop them off. I think you'd be more inclined to bring your own bag than do that.Tony Lowes, director of Friends of the Irish Environment in County Cork, said the 15 cent tax on plastic bags introduced there in March 2002 has resulted in a 95 percent reduction in their use. "It's been an extraordinary success,"

a. What are some of the potential benefits of charging fees for and/or banning plastic bags?
Reduce pollution by encouraging reusable bags.

· People would change their behavior, and they would adapt to the habit of using reusable bags and stop polluting the environment.

· We would achieve to have a cleaner environment.

b. What are some of the potential drawbacks of such programs?

· The plastic bag industry would crash.

· The economic climate is affecting people

c. Which benefits and drawbacks seem the most compelling? Why?

the most important benefit of doing this would be to achieve a cleaner environment because if we do not start making something in this moment because later we will suffer the consequences.

d. Would you support a local law charging fees for (or banning) plastic bags? Why or why not?Yes, because pollution is a major problem nowadays, and even though the economic crisis is affecting most of the people.

1. Do you agree with this new law? Why or why not?

Yes, pollution is a catastrophic problem nowadays, and in Mexico City we consume 20 millions of plastic bags per day.

2. What has been done so far?

In Mexico City the plastic bags in every store, including dry-cleaning, should be banned in less than a year. They say that maybe this will be an example to the rest of the states to start making the same thing.

3. What needs to be done to enforce such a law?

All the stores must change their habits, as well as the people. The stores must replace plastic bags for biodegradable plastic in one year.

4. What campaigns would you suggest?

a good option with this environmental problem would be to charge people if they want to take a plastic bag because now that they are free nobody cares if they take 15 or 16 bags, but if they lose money for each bag they would reduce their use.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


1. What is an epidemic?
It is a break out of a biological or viral nature where an increase or surge in victims of this virus or biological form is noticed in a very short and alarming period of time.
2. What is a pandemic?
Pandemic is more extended than the epidemic is when the virus came more large and affect all the state or a big part.
3. What is an infectious disease?
An infectious disease is a clinically evident disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions.
4. What is a virus?
A virus is an infection that it can affect other person when you are in a short distance with the person that is infected
5. What makes the H1N1 virus a "novel" or "new" virus?
The sudden detection of the new swine influenza virus, A(H1N1), occurred just as scientists were focusing wary eyes on behavioral changes observed in another virus
6. How do viruses mutate?
Mexico is not the only one affected by the virus also U.S.A and Europ are affected and were more and more the people in all the places that were infected and were growing the killings by the virus.
7. What does it mean that this virus has "parts" from other known swine flus, human flus and American bird flus?
That it has combined with people who have it, and that they are similar.
8. How does that process happen?
It somehow mutates with the other ones
9. How is the flu vaccine created?
By investigating the reactions the virus has to certain substances.
10. Why are some viruses transmittable from human to human while others are not (avian flu)?
Because viruses are not the same
11. How does Tamiflu work?
It prevents virions from emerging in the in the infected cells.
12. Scientists worry that H1N1 might become resistant to Tamiflu. How might that happen?
It might become resistant by mutating

1. What is the most predictable thing about influenza?
It's unpredictable nature.
2. How many people have died in Mexico? (based on the article as well as on latest news)
In Mexico, 2 895 people have died as of may 16 where as 8468 people have died worldwide.
3. Name 3 countries where swine flu has been confirmed in the last three days.
Turkey, India and Ecuador.
4. What are the symptoms of the swine flu?
The same as the seasonal flu.
5. When was the outbreak of the Spanish flu?
At the beginning of the 20th century.
6. What percentage of the world population died of influenza then?
The 1%
7. Why was there an emergency vaccination program in 1976?
Because public health officials wanted to immunize the population from it.
8. Name a few actions the Mexican government has done to curb the spread of swine flu.
The made hundreds of ads in TV and radio to tell how to prevent the virus.
9. What were the consequences for Mexico and Mexicans due to the actions taken by the government?
Hysteria broke loose; people thought they were infected when they actually weren't.Every public places were basically closed; like: stores, parks, centers…
10. What industries were particularly hard hit?
Wherever many people concentrate, like movie theaters, restaurants, big stores.DISCUSSION
1. Mexico has shut down schools and other public spaces; do you think that was the correct thing to do? Why or why not?
Of course, that way the virus spread more slowly. And we got more vacations.
2. More people die from the regular flu then from swine flu, why do you think this became a big news story?
Because we are usually immune to it, and it might as well be a cover-up for something else, like a conspiracy theorists say.
3. Why did people stop visiting Mexico? Why have Mexicans been discriminated? Do you think the fear of the disease is justified?
Because they say the disease started in Mexico. It is not justified because it doesn't as many people, and it's simply acting with ignorance.
4. What questions about individual and human rights does preventing the spread of flu raise?The one about health treatment being a right, for instance.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

platsic bags

I. Why are plastic bags so common?
The plastic bags are so common because Plastic bags are so cheap to produce and also we use them as an substitute for paper bags, because with paper bags we kill trees.
II. In what other ways is plastic used?
In toys, bottles, plastic wraps, bags, etc…
III. What are the benefits of plastic bags?
The plastic bags are cheap to produce and. They help us for the transportation of grocery, and other materials and they are easy to carry and to store
IV. What are the dangers of plastic bags?
With the plastic bags the animals died because they eat the blastic or they intoxicated with the plastic (They are made of petroleum and natural gas and also contain lead, a toxin.)
V. What has been done so far?
In some places of the United States outlawed the use of paper bags, and with 40% of the materials are recycled in some grocery stores and pharmacies, and there is less than 2% of bags recycled.
VI. Has it been successful? Why or why not?
Yes, it has been very successful but in some way the people and the animals get affected by the toxins.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009


1. Who is Robert Mugabe? How long has he been in power? How popular is he?
Robert Mugabe si the president of Zimbawe, he is president since 1980.2. Who is Morgan Tsvangirai? Whicgh is/ has been his political role?
Morgan is the primer minister 3. What happened during last year's elections? Which was the outcome?
In 2008 the elections in Zimbabwe were closed not on time just a few people voted.4. Whis is the economic situation in Zimbabwe? How do the people feel about this?
There is an agricultural explotation, and people do not have money to buy what they need and not too many resources
5. What do you think about the celebrations and the lavish party?
That Robert is exploding all the economic just for his birthday party obviously is bad.Based only on the article below, define a conflict.a) Give the conflict a name and explain why you think it is a conflict.b) Who is involved and why?c) Explain in detail why the conflict has happened.d) Give a timeline of events (at least 5) related to the conflict.e) How do you think this conflict can be solved and why?

Robert Party. The conflict here is that he is spending all the money just to do a birthday party just for his birthday party, kill 100 animals for that and he is using 75 miles for that.
He is spending money and time for nothing.
He can do better thing like work more in the economic crisis.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Fidel Castro news.

Argentina on Friday released a photo of President Cristina Fernandez along with convalescing Cuban leader Fidel Castro, taken during the meeting held on Wednesday in Havana. Castro, 82 years, does not appear in public since he fell ill two years ago and a half. In February 2008 he was replaced as president by his brother Raul.

What? Castro appeared yesterday in Argentina in a photo with Cristina Fernandez after 2 years.

Why? Because he was sick.

Who? Castro was sick, and now appeared in a photo yesterday with the Argentina’s president.

When? The photo was taken yesterday.

Where? This event happened in Argentina.


Fidel Castro said that Barack Obama has "good intentions" and said he did not doubt his honesty. "The encounter with Cristina," also served to allay the growing rumors about the possible worsening of his health and even his imminent death, which had circulated in recent weeks in the international press.

What? Fidel said that Obama has good intentions and also said that he will not doubt his honesty.

Why? Fidel just said that to impress Obama and to don’t have enemies.

Who? Fidel was taking about the work of Obama

When? This happened yesterday also too in Argentina with Cristina Fernandez

Where? This all happened in Argentina


The similar here is that Fidel Castro wants to be now the interesting man, and all this take place in Argentina.

The difference is that he mention about Obama’s work.

martes, 20 de enero de 2009


Say from which country the following people come from. Then locate them on a map. On the map write a number for each country.

1. Silvio Berlusconi

2. Michelle Bachelete

3. Hillary Clinton

4. Hu Jintao

5. Álvaro Uribe

6. Ehud Olmert

7. Gordon Brown

8. Ban Ki Moon

9. Nocolas Sarkozy

10. George Bush

11. Vladimir Putin

12. Fidel Castro

13. Mahmoud Abbas

14. Taro Asso

15. José Luis Zapatero

16. Kim Jong Il

17. Barack Obama

18. Dalai Lama

19. Pratibha Patil

20. Thein Sein

21. Robert Mugabe

22. Hamid Karzai

23. Raul Castro

24. Mohamed Osni Murbarak
25. Dmitry Medvedev

26. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

27. Abhisit Vejjajiva

28. Ignacio Lula da Silva

29. Angela Merkel

30. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

31. Asif Ali Zardari

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009


-What is going on in the photograph?

two women bring a card that said: ISRAEL CHILD KILLER

-Who is pictured?

two women, palestine women

-What can you learn about how the main subject in the photo is feeling from his or her facial expression?

that they are sad about all the childs

-What might this person be feeling, given what is going on in the photograph?

i think that she is sad and angry.
they are telling the other people thai israel is a killer.

-What might this person want to say to the "opposite side"?
that stop to the war that many people are dieing.